Lord Ajax
i write software and shitty poetry
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Noobs guide to all the LLM jazz

Purposefully I am going to write this in simple language, there will be incorrect truths but my goal is to get you from A to B.

In short, I am going to give a shitty answer as how things like ChatGPT seemingly "remembers" what is going on.

The solution to solve

Imagine building a chat bot, that could "remember" everything you have said, and also "remembered" what it replied.

As if to infer that the "conversation" has "memories".

When talking to a large language model, like most things all you have is an input and an output.

So how to write a prompt; (no one actually knows)

explain instruct vs chat


User: Hey beautiful

Then the LLM replies


System: Oh so beautiful, don't make me blush

Now if I reply, I might ask it "What did I call you when I said hello"?

So the prompt would be


User: What did I call you when I said hello

It will have no idea with that, it has no context, it might reply


System: You have never said hello to me before

So in a prompt, you have to include the context.


User: Hey beautiful
System: Hello World
User: What did I call you when I said hello

Now the system can respond


User: Hey beautiful
System: Hello World
User: What did I call you when I said hello
System: You called me beautiful


Now how can it "remember" across prompts.

Take this example prompt/response below.


User: Hey beautiful
System: Hello World
User: What did I call you when I said hello
System: You called me beautiful
User: How to find happiness?
System: If you go looking happiness, you’ve already lost it

In short, you feed the prompt a transcript.

A history of the conversation, for better or worse.

In simple prompt engineering you can just pass a transcript, it works quite well.

Now imagine you have been talking to the thing for ten thousand messages, the LLM cannot contain the context. It is limited by the amount of tokens.

When you want it to ask about happiness, you may have alluded to that question before, and it may have answered it before.

We will adapt the prompt, give it some structure.

Move some of the "conversation" to memories.


=== Memories ===
User: How to find happiness?
System: If you go looking happiness, you’ve already lost it

=== Conversation ===
User: Hey ugly
System: Ouch
User: What is happiness?
System: You have already asked me that before, if you going looking for it you already have lost it

Now we want to programmatically construct a prompt.

In this situational prompt, "memories" are just lines of a conversation.

Embeddings ?!?

This part is complex™ but simple at the end of the day.

// explain memories more

So a quick primer.

// explain pre-trained models

We gonna use some cool shit called vector similarity.

Imagine a simple string similarity search, the word "love" is similar to "dove"

The next phase is vector similarity.

If we go looking for "love", it is more conversationally closer to "family"

When we want to collate some "memories"

The word that gets thrown around is "embeddings".

Take a line of the following conversation.

User: There was once a dog who called a cat a bad person
System: Some camels drew their portrait and the sand designed
User: No paper was appropriate, but the sphinx still won
System: No werewolf could have a man ride its back

// insert why any of that is relevant

Take those four strange sentences, and pass them individually to an embedding model.

// insert a vector version #mebe

// what would be "similar"

So if I search for "mammal that loves sand", given the trained model, it would likely rank the sentence about a camel the highest.

Some camels drew their portrait and the sand designed

But the only way to search "mammal that loves sand" is to create an embedding of that sentence itself.

In essence, (explain etymology for essential for fun) You have to create an embedding for everything.

Why does it matter?

Back to Memories

There is only so much you can put in a prompt. Using natural language you have found the most relevant "memories".

The LLM loves the context.

Explain memories Demo Code What is an embedding Who cares Are you lonely? Include links to the 12 types of prompt engineering Use a local vector db Store every message and show the prompt they can all hear each other

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